Let me help  
“...to give you a future and a hope.”
“For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in…”
“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Our latest news and events

You can find all the relevant information about what's happening in our Mission here. Add to your calendar what interests you! Come back regularly to stay up to date!

Holy Mass in the Only One

Every month we celebrate Mass together with our guests, colleagues and friends. 18 September is the date of our next Mass, come and join us!

Father Petru Mogda will celebrate the mass. Everyone is welcome. It is an open occasion, feel free to invite people you know!

2024. szeptember 18.   14:00

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Pause, silence, introspection. It's important for us to provide opportunities and space for those who find it harder to step out of the noise of everyday life. So, with our guests and friends, we will be holding a sacrament meeting on 23 September from 14:30 to 15:30 in our institution, where you are  welcome to join us! Come and spend an hour together in the presence of the Master!

2024. szeptember 23.   14:30

Our service in numbers

One of the most important measures of our service is the number of guests per day. This indicator has been slowly but steadily increasing over the years, and currently stands at:


Guests per day

In the summer the average number of our guests is 120, while in wintertime sometimes we help as much as 180 people on weekdays.

In addition, here are three pieces of steadily growing data. They sum up the core activities of our service since 2011. We look at them with gratitude. If you'd like to make the next 100 sandwiches or experience the power of community prayer, contact us!

 347 464

Guests welcomed and

registered since opening

 301 579


prepared together

1 493

Hours prayed

at our regular prayer events

I would like to help you!


Good news for the week!

There is always hope. There is always something to be thankful for. That's what we see, what we experience. This is reflected in our weekly good news and personal stories, available on social media as #goodnewsfortheweek.

We face difficult, or even hopeless situations on a daily basis. But in our experience, something good always shines through in the midst of the overwhelming hardships. Something that gives us hope.

Every week we bring you news and reports from the field. We give you a glimpse into the moments when we saw the Light shining through the cracks of the broken faces. You'll get a glimpse into moments in our ministry when the presence of Goodness, Love and Hope became tangible.

Look for our #goodnewsfortheweek hashtag, see beyond the surface and become a witness of hope where you live!

Follow our news here:

Daily Word of God

23. évközi hét szerda – 2024. szeptember 11.

Az apostolok kiválasztása után Jézus lejött a hegyről, tanítványaira emelte tekintetét, és így szólt: „Boldogok vagytok, ti, szegények, mert tiétek az Isten országa. Boldogok vagytok, akik most éheztek, mert jutalmul bőségben lesz részetek. Boldogok vagytok, akik most sírtok, mert sírástok nevetésre fordul. Boldogok vagytok, ha gyűlölnek titeket az emberek, kizárnak körükből és megrágalmaznak, s neveteket, mint valami szégyenletes dolgot emlegetik az Emberfia miatt. Örüljetek, ha majd ez bekövetkezik, és ujjongjatok, mert nagy jutalomban részesültök a mennyben. Atyáik is így bántak a prófétákkal. De jaj nektek, gazdagok, mert már megkaptátok vigasztalástokat. Jaj nektek, akik most jóllaktatok, mert éhezni fogtok. Jaj nektek, akik most nevettek, mert sírni és jajgatni fogtok! Jaj nektek, ha az emberek hízelegnek nektek! Hisz atyáik is így tettek a hamis prófétákkal.”

Lk 6,20-26

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