One of the most important measures of our service is the number of guests per day. This indicator has been slowly but steadily increasing over the years, and currently stands at:
In the summer the average number of our guests is 120, while in wintertime sometimes we help as much as 180 people on weekdays.
In addition, here are three pieces of steadily growing data. They sum up the core activities of our service since 2011. We look at them with gratitude. If you'd like to make the next 100 sandwiches or experience the power of community prayer, contact us!
registered since opening
prepared together
at our regular prayer events
There is always hope. There is always something to be thankful for. That's what we see, what we experience. This is reflected in our weekly good news and personal stories, available on social media as #goodnewsfortheweek.
We face difficult, or even hopeless situations on a daily basis. But in our experience, something good always shines through in the midst of the overwhelming hardships. Something that gives us hope.
Every week we bring you news and reports from the field. We give you a glimpse into the moments when we saw the Light shining through the cracks of the broken faces. You'll get a glimpse into moments in our ministry when the presence of Goodness, Love and Hope became tangible.
Look for our #goodnewsfortheweek hashtag, see beyond the surface and become a witness of hope where you live!
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