Let me help  

About us

We are a social aid centre, a day shelter and a charity organization with a new approach. As a Catholic missionary and social aid centre in the heart of Budapest’s 6th district, we serve our guests with a focus on passing on our faith and always providing the most personal help possible through the means of social work.

Our team is a faith-filled professional community of socially sensitive Christian and service-minded people. Having encountered God’s fatherly love in our own personal journey it has been our most important motivation to be present in solidarity with our fellow human beings living in homelessness, or in need and also with families who seek help.

Only OneSocial Aid Centre

A social institution for the homeless and the needy in the 6th district of Budapest, in Izabella Street.

Only OneMission Foundation

A public benefit and non-governmental charity organization, supporting the aims of the Mission.

Only OneMission

The joint name of the institution and the Foundation team. Mission and social service to the poor growing from the New Jerusalem Catholic Community.

New JerusalemCatholic Community

A Charismatic missionary community, ecclesial background and a permanent pastoral support of our institution.

Our staff

Get to know our team a little more! Let us introduce you to everyone of us. Click on our photos to find out why we love working here and the personal experience that drew us here.

Mrs. Anna Kunszabó Pataki
Founding Director

"Witnessing to Jesus and the Good News of our Saviour is an essential part of my Christian life. As a Social Worker, I have had a strong desire in my heart to bring the Gospel to every guest we interact with at our place. We attempt to help them with the classic tools of social work, of course, but how different it is to be present in the world knowing that God himself loves us! For me, Only One Mission is a place of this calling. I am happy to be here and to witness God at work here in our central hall, among our guests."

A graduate in social work and social policy, she has led our institution and our ministry as the Founding Director since its inception. Missionary zeal is accompanied with a high degree of professionalism in her case.

KATALIN Kunszabó
Office Manager and Vice Director

"As a child, I had the privilege of watching Only One Mission start and grow from the early days. I am grateful that God has blessed me with a place of work where service to the homeless is the main focus of the staff. I worked here in the afternoons during my studies and I am happy to return to this blessed atmosphere as a full-time staff member."

Alongside the Founding Director of the institution, she assists with various administrative tasks, sometimes involving money and employment-related matters. She is also very happy to work as Receptionist when needed.

Mrs. Krisztina Harmath
Mental Health Support Specialist

"For me, what we do sometimes resembles organizing a camping trip. Sometimes we distribute food, sometimes we solve suddenly arising problems e.g. looking for a string when a guest's trousers is just about to fall down. The job is always ad hoc and comprises a colorful range of activities. I think the special thing is that we pray a lot here during working hours. Only One Mission gives me an outstanding opportunity to grow, especially in my relationship with God. When I worked as a math teacher before, usually there was only ONE good answer to my questions. When I ask a question based on a Bible verse now, ALL answers are good. That's a huge improvement!"

She is responsible for the spiritual support and one-to-one conversations, which is at the heart of our ministry. She has worked as a teacher earlier and has a very good instinct for dealing with people.

ANDRÁS Várnagy
Spiritual Counsellor and Mental Health Assistant

"Why do I like working here? My first answer is that it's because of the calling. Where our God-given calling is, that's where we belong, that's where our path is. There we can meet our fellow human beings and God in love to the fullest. I was called and then given love for my homeless brothers and sisters. ... There is something inexpressible about the atmosphere of love at Only One Mission. I have no doubt that the homeless in Budapest will find here a gift that our God has dreamed of. I find that the team members not only offer their care and work, but also their hearts to those in need. That's why working here redefines the familiar notion of "workplace". Only One Mission is home, brotherhood, family, refuge, peace and service. All these words at once, in Jesus Christ."

He is responsible for spiritual assistance and one-to-one conversations. He contributes a lot to developing a real spiritual community among guests and colleagues.

KATICA Hanna Kocsis
Social Worker

"As a graduate student, I did my internship at the Only One Mission and now I'm back as a social worker, which is a great blessing. I see great strength in not just trying to help people who come here with our own strength, professional knowledge and human love, but asking God Almighty to be the one who really acts in the lives of our guests, even through us. For me, this is what it means to work here: to serve God, to work with Him, to draw from Him every morning for work and to end the day with Him. I also find the love I experience among the staff very affirming and rewarding. I think that is what makes it worthwhile to do truly helpful work."

As a recent graduate in social education, she is personally present among the guests. Every day, she helps people in need to take the next step by organising individual case management. She is responsible for spiritual assistance and one-to-one conversations. She contributes a lot to developing a real spiritual community among guests and colleagues.

Social Worker

For a long time, I wanted to work in a place where I could support people not only with my professional skills but also with my faith. I believe that the Only One Mission provides its clients with an opportunity that is motivating for me, and here, with my previous work experience, I can offer more help myself.

Every day, she helps people in need to take the next step by accompanying and organising individual case management or case management sessions.

Social Worker Assistant

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39) In my oppinion, these words of Jesus can all be put into practice at Only One Mission. That's why I love working here.

He helps people in need to take the next step by organizing individual case management sessions.

Mr. Gyula Budai
Kitchen Manager

"When I think of my job, I regard it as a 'service to the people'. And when I think of the institution, the thing that crosses my mind is this: 'having a place where people can rest and also hear the word of God through our mission'. Only One Mission gives me community first and foremost. I get to talk to many people here and also have the opportunity to practice love. This ministry is not like other jobs. Bible studies, worships and other prayers make it a special place."

His primary tasks are running the kitchen and laundry room.

Gábor Gergely

"Since a long time and increasingly, I have had the desire to live my humanity in an activity that has a well-defined path and purpose, embedded in meaningful and deep human relationships. At Only One Mission, I can be part of an authentic, supportive unity of institutional structure, action and fraternal community of co-workers that goes beyond self: by serving others, by practicing self-giving, I can become a mosaic of my truest God-designed self, a building block of His Kingdom, formalized as a mosaic of my truest self. 'Only one' - for me, a guiding life-motive and mission: to wield the Infinite in the finite.2

Reception staff play a key role in the life of the institution. He is responsible for welcoming and assisting new arrivals and coordinating the day-to-day running of the Only One Mission.

Mr. Zsolt Kis
Security Guard

"I like working here because I feel appreciated at Only One Mission. I get care and faith in my workplace. I like working here because we are able to help so many people in need and we try to make their lives better, helping them out of often hopeless situations."

He is responsible for the safety and security of both our guests and staff, making it easy for people to feel at home.

Mrs. Katalin Cser
Cleaning Staff

"With all these young people coming in to Only One Mission, I can see how bad the situation in the world is, and it is very sad to see. But it is nice that here they get food, have opportunities and the staff will help them in whatever way they can. For me, Only One Mission means that I have a workplace where I like working; it also means that the colleagues are nice, especially our Founding Director - this is what I think and I will say it out loud whenever needed. She gives me a lot of strength and I receive plenty of help here. Every day one can gain experiences based on our guests' fate, and I also learn a lot from my colleagues. I feel that I am where I need to be."

For years, she has been responsible for the cleanliness of our institution, which is an essential part of our daily operations.

Mr. Kristóf Ménesi
Communications and Fundraising Manager

"It is my deep desire to serve God and the people He leads me to by utilizing my skills and work experience. For me, Only One Mission provides a space and framework that helps me fulfill this desire at the recent stage of my life. It is a great joy to be able to creatively serve God's cause and our marginalized fellow human beings together with the communications and fundraising team, taking advantage of the flexibility of the non-profit sector".

A graduate in business administration, he is currently responsible for all communications and fundraising-related activities at Only One Mission.

ANNA Lovas-Antoni
Communications Assistant

Even during my volunteering time here in high school, I was very impressed by the loving service that Only One Mission provides. I have always wanted to work in a place where I could represent things that are especially important to me! I feel that the verse I chose for my confirmation, "We love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19), is particularly relevant to my work at Only One Mission.

A most creative communications team member, her primary responsibility is creating and editing graphical designs for our social media contents.

Communications Assistant

Jesus said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Rise up and throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will indeed happen." (Mark 11:23) I believe, as the Word says, that words spoken (written) in faith have a moving, edifying power. As a communications assistant, I work with words and believe that there is indeed a power at work in them that, when combined with faith, can bring about positive change in the world, in the souls of people. It feels good to be part of the team at Only One Mission. Each member of the team, in his or her own field, with his or her own means, in a loving community, is working towards the same common goal: to help and relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings.

She is responsible for text writing, proofreading and maintaining our literary standards.

Ákos Tárkányi
Professional Article Writer

"I'm in good company with good friends who are valuable and helpful people, and I feel comfortable here. At the same time, it's a new kind of job for me, with many challenges, both big and small. I am reminded of Gábor Molnár, a young man with adventures in a far-off land, with a desire to explore: a diverse reality is unfolding before me as I get to know people, including our clients, better and better in this particular world that is Only One."

As a socio-politician and sociologist, he talks a lot to our homeless guests; he writes short articles about them and the social problems they face as a freelancer.

Our Trustees

Our Supervisor

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